FluidStance The Level® Standing Desk Balance Board | | Work, Home

FluidStance The Level® Standing Desk Balance Board | | Work, Home

Preis: 290,82 €

GET MOVING FluidStance’s The Level Balance Board is carefully engineered to offer the perfect combination of stability and optimal movement for your body. While standing on the board, even your micro-movements will strengthen your muscles, soothe stiff joints, burn calories, and increase your heart rate. Do more at your standup desk: this balance deck is made for rocking, swiveling, toe raises, Friday dancing, and more!
FITNESS BY THE NUMBERS Compared to sitting behind a desk, the Balance Board increases your caloric burn by 19.2% and increases your heart rate by 15%. Standup desks engage only the quad and calf muscles. With the deck, you’ll feel your core and glutes get a workout, too. With a 360° tilt, your range of motion expands for natural, continual use. Step away from your workstation chair or any sedentary responsibility and transform the way you move with our premium Level Balance Board.
PREMIUM MATERIALS The top deck is meticulously crafted from high quality birch wood that boasts a GreenGuard-certified natural wood finish. Military grade, die-cast aluminum forms the stylish base and is finished via a powder-coating process that has near zero emissions.
SAFETY AND PRACTICALITY The Level Balance Board is durable, solid, and has a superior grip. With the majority of movement from the hips down, accurate typing is not impacted. Compact size and light weight features make it easy to carry from work to home.
SUSTAINABILITY FIRST All scrap aluminum from the manufacturing process is recycled back into the supply chain to ensure there is zero waste in our casting process. At FluidStance, we take pride in our commitment to being environmentally friendly. We go the extra mile to source eco-conscious materials and choose sustainable manufacturing processes whenever possible. In addition, our company became carbon neutral in 2020.

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