Mountain Skateboard Foot Holder, Adjustable Nylon Feet Fixing
Preis: 49,89 €
The Tibialis Trainer Dumbbell Foot Strap is specifically designed for improving leg muscles. Its adjustability meets various training demands, offering customized exercise routines for effective muscle training. Mounted on the board to secure your feet, it assists in turning or jumping while providing stable support. Perfect for performing difficult maneuvers or everyday skating, this holder ensures that your feet stay firmly planted on the board, enhancing your overall performance
Made of high-quality nylon, this ankle strap in wear resistance, deformation resistance, and tear resistance. Its elastic nature provides ample protection for the ankle, enhancing comfort and safety during workouts. Elevate your mountain skateboarding game with our foot holder that keeps you balanced, improves body stability, and reduces the risk of falling during your adrenaline-fueled rides
Designed for , this ankle strap is user-friendly. Fixing the dumbbell to the foot is a straightforward process, and the adjustable length fits most shoe sizes. This makes it an ideal choice for both beIntroducing our adjustable Mountain Skateboard Foot Holder with a hook and loop design in the center of the strap that lets you adjust the strap for a comfortable fixation, regardless of your foot size. Adjust the elasticity of the foot strap for added support and stability on every ride
The ankle strap is lightweight, small, and foldable, making it ideal for carrying around for workouts. Its compact design allows users to easily transport it, enabling leg muscle exercises anytime and anywhere, without being limited by location or schedule. Using standard screws and nuts, our Mountain Skateboard Foot Holder easily attaches to your board for a quick installation. Enjoy enhanced foot grip and a more stable ride with this convenient attachment
Our kombucha is a health-conscious choice. Enjoy the perfect blend of Chun-Mee Green Tea, filtered water, raw cane sugar and kombucha cultures. With metal brackets on both ends for durability even in harsh skateboarding environments, high-strength nylon material and fine workmanship ensure a long service life
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